Moggerhanger Music Session February 2023

Friday 3 February 2023 15:21

After a quiet night at the January Moggerhanger music evening, this Wednesday at Moggerhanger Village Hall was very well supported with a, pretty much, full house. As usual the dedicated volunteers ensured the hall was set up and Beth and Tony replaced Mel and Ken on the bar. The Moggies Band were back on deck, full strength, which added extra enjoyment for me.

Here is a Flickr album link with some snaps from the session.

The session was recorded on video and I have published it in two parts as it was on the night, although with the excellent turnout part 1 is longer than part 2 this month. The two videos can be found by following this link.

Here is a view of the audience and some idiot going for the big finish to the ensemble. :-)