Olly's 425th Birthday
Monday, 29 April 2024 08:08
I was not aware that the 425th was a major birthday but in Huntingdon it is. The Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell was born there in 1599. He was unable to attend the celebration in person. The town time machine was used to bring a few people and horses from the time of Cromwell and the council put out some nice imagery which made for an interesting Sunday afternoon. It was cold and damp so the numbers attending did not require crowd control. It was actually very interesting and I enjoyed a visit into the small (warm) museum where a re-enactor was doing a good job with families with a little dressing up, including a young mum putting armour on for her daughter. In the square there were a couple more re-enactors and around 1 pm a couple of horses joined the fun with the lady and man telling the stories of their weapons. It was a little surreal as they rode up through the afternoon shoppers as you can see above. Here are a few snaps to illustrate the event.