All Creatures Great and Small
Tuesday, 17 September 2024 09:43
This selection of photos were taken at the Lodge, Paxton Pits and Wandlebury Country Park, picking out some of the wildlife from ponies to humans and a few smaller ones along the way. While at Wandlebury I had one of the clearest views of the cathedral at Ely about 27km to the north, so included a photo at the end of the post. At the Lodge the heather has been in full bloom for a week or two adding a lovely touch of colour to the heath. Although not a bother the flight path into Luton now comes south across St Neots and over the Lodge. The planes can be heard but are quieter than the trains a mile or two to the west on the East Coast Main Line. At Paxton Pits it was nice to see a great white egret and a little egret allowing a good comparison. The cormorants seem to be permanently on the log on Heronry South lake.